Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Dog Bowl...

Brian has been crawling around for quite a while now and pulling up on furniture and "walking" wherever he can hold onto something! And for some time, he never left the living room!!! But why would he? All his cool toys are in the living room! Mom and Dad were LOVING it!!! However, this dream state was short lived when Brian threw a toy down the hall and went to find it - and the door to a whole new world opened up! Brian has now found the dining room - and his highchair which he loves, but his favorite new "toy" is Raelin's food and water bowls! He has figured out how to take the bowls out of the holder and he has also discovered the wonderful noise they make as they are clanged together or banged on the floor!! Some mornings are so musical!!!...
OOOHHHH! What's this?!?

Hi Mom!!!

Wanna play with me?

Clang and Bang on the floor!!

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