Monday, November 2, 2009

9 Months Old

We can't believe Brian is already 9 Months old!!! October 31st came very quickly, and we know that we'll turn around and it'll be January 31st and we'll be celebrating his 1 year birthday! Brian has been a VERY busy little boy in the past month! He has learned to play his drum, shake his morocco, clap his hands, and wave his hands bye-bye! He has also figured out how to crawl!!! He was walking around our coffee table for the longest time and we were sure he may just go straight to walking, but a week before he turned 9 months old, he figured out how the whole crawling thing worked and he is on the move!!! He is such a strong and determined little boy! You can see it on his face when he's trying to figure out how to pull up on something or get to something he wants. It may take him a minute, but he usually gets it! (Man, are we in TROUBLE!?!) Brian is eating more and more table food, and starting to decide that he would much rather have mommy and daddy's food than his!! He really likes cheese, apples, bananas, macaroni and cheese, dill pickles, and bread! He loves to eat with his hands, unless he's really hungry and then he would much rather us just shovel it in his mouth!! :) We continue to cherish and enjoy every day with are little one!!

My new favorite thing to do - blow bubbles!!!

Great-Mema Velma came to visit!

Great-Papa Leo thinks I'm the best!

I decided to help daddy cook! The best part is licking the spatula!

Yes, I knocked over my entire basket of toys!!

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