Monday, August 10, 2009

6 Months

We can't believe Brian was 6 months old on July 31!!! Obviously he is keeping us VERY busy because I'm pretty behind on posting! But to my defense, our world has been somewhat stressful lately. Mommy's work (Building Together Ministries) had to leave the building they were renting and put everything in storage and then Mommy got laid-off the end of July! So, now Mommy and Daddy are both looking for jobs! But we know that God's plan is bigger than what we can see and His plans for us are to give us Hope and a Future and He will always provide for our needs!

Brian is getting so big! At his 6 month check-up he weighed 15 lbs 8 oz and was 25 1/2 inches long! He had jumped from being in the less than 3% for weight and height to the 20-25%!!! Mommy and Daddy were so proud! He is rolling over like a champ and starting to pull his knees up under him! He's sitting up by himself (for short amounts of time, but he's still sitting up!). And he has the best laugh EVER! Daddy has found Brian's tickle spots and we love to hear him laugh! He loves to play in his exersaucer and jumper - and of course ALL the toys go straight to his mouth!!! But no teeth quite yet! He has also found his feet and loves to try and get his toes in his mouth!!! I guess it's a good thing he's not running around outside in the dirt all day and then trying to put his feet in his mouth! :)

He is eating like a champ! Mommy is making his baby food and so far he LOVES peaches, applesauce, green peas, and sweet potatoes! He is not a fan of green beans, but mommy's going to try them again a little later! He also likes the Yo Baby Vanilla Yogurt, and of course he LOVES his cereal (mixed with apple juice preferably!).

We are so blessed to have this little bundle of joy - that is finally getting some fat rolls!!! Gotta love it!! Enjoy the pictures!

Grammy made this bib for Daddy when he was my age!!

I love Raelin, but she gives SLOPPY kisses!

Such a big boy!

Getting so BIG!

There's my toes!!!

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