Brian is 4 months old today! I know all parents say this, but the time really has gone by so fast!! We are truly enjoying every single day with our little guy! The past month has been full of new joys, new experiences, and lots of "firsts"!
Brian rolled over from his stomach to his back just last week! He really doesn't like "tummy time" but momma makes him do it anyway and last week, he just rolled on over to his back! He has also really started pushing himself on his back with his feet - he is never in the same spot in the mornings as when we put him to sleep! He has some really strong little legs and LOVES to stand up - we can't get him to sit up when we hold his hands and pull him up - he goes straight to his feet!
Momma also saw the first signs of little teeth this month! 2 little white teeth just below his bottom gums! No wonder he's drooling so much! And his hands or momma's fingers are ALWAYS in his mouth! Brian can't quite figure out which fingers he likes the most (or which hand) - some days it's only 2 fingers, some days it's 3 or 4, and some days it is his whole fist! But we don't think he is at all interested in his thumb because it never goes in his mouth unless he's trying to cram his whole fist in his mouth!!
We did have our first round of antibiotic eye drops for pink eye this month! Thankfully Momma and Daddy neither one caught it! And we have to brag on our amazing child - No screaming and crying while putting the drops in!! He let us put 2 drops in each eye 4 times a day for 5 days with only a little blinking and rubbing of his eyes!!! HE IS SUCH A GOOD BABY!!!!
We are so blessed that God has given us Brian! The past 4 months have been so much fun to learn and grow with him!!